- reduce or quit smoking or other tobacco product use
- lose weight and keep the weight off
- moderate or quit drinking
- quit drinking, especially during pregnancy
- reduce or stop abuse of prescription and non-prescription drugs
- reduce or quit gambling
- moderate or quit an "addiction" to television
- moderate or quit an "addiction" to the Internet
- moderate or quit an "addiction" to cellphone or other mobile devices
- reduce or stop abuse of credit cards - spend less money
- save more money
- and much more ...
We also have a product specifically designed to help people save money, it's called the CapturedDiscipline® Piggy Bank Safe. With the exception of a Deposit Slot on the right side, the Piggy Bank Safe has all the same features and is identical to the standard CapturedDiscipline® Safe which has been marketed successfully for over 6 years. Items inside your timer-locked safe cannot be extracted through the narrow slot.